
Back in 1993, HJHansen was certified in quality according to the ISO 9001 standard. The company’s processes were thoroughly reviewed and the desired business processes clarified in order to structure daily life and to secure high quality of both our actions and our goods.

In 1998, HJHansen expanded with ISO certification of the environment. We have maintained and developed our certification and today we are certified according to ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 in the working environment.

Working with ISO is an ongoing process, where things are continually reviewed and work is structured and targeted to ensure continuous improvements in quality, the environment and the working environment.



See our certificates below

ISO-certification 9001
ISO-certification 14001
ISO-certification 45001

Contact us - E-mail or call 

With our extensive know-how, HJHansen can advise you and your company on the best solutions. Contact us and we will give you a tailored offer through a close dialogue.


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